
Analyze Your Social Media Performance

Get detailed insights on your social media posts' performance, track engagement, and grow your audience effectively.

Overview of Your Performance

Total Engagement

12,345 Likes, 2,456 Comments, 1,234 Shares

Follower Growth

Gained 3,000 new followers in the last 30 days

Average Engagement Rate

7.5% engagement rate across all platforms

Top Performing Platform

Facebook with 5,000 likes and 800 shares

Detailed Analytics

Facebook Analytics

10,000 impressions, 1,500 likes, 200 comments, 50 shares

Twitter Analytics

8,000 impressions, 1,200 likes, 180 retweets, 100 replies

Instagram Analytics

15,000 impressions, 2,300 likes, 300 comments

LinkedIn Analytics

5,000 impressions, 700 likes, 120 comments, 20 shares

Engagement by Post Type

Posts with images have 20% higher engagement than text-only posts

Content Reach

Your content reached 50,000 people last month

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